40+ Best TH6 War Base Links 2024 Anti Giants, Healer
So why are you here ? To explore the best th6 war base layout links of course! You are in a never-ending battle, and winning at least some of them makes you sweat a lot! Things will get even worse if you are stuck with an old classic layout! Here in this guide, We have more than 20 best TH6 Base war layout link. And without any further ado, we will move right into it. check out more in cocbases.me .
TH6 War Base Link
Level 6 War Layout Link
TH6 War Base Anti Giant Healer Copy Link
Best TH6 War Base Link Anti Everything 2024
You are now looking at the first war base we recommend. With the air-defense and long-ranged defenses being placed right, the base is a born fighter! The layout is built with a clever idea that can totally confuse your opponent. This base leaves no choice for the opponent to win, as per the placement of defensive building and the spring traps. Coc Bases
TH6 War Base Anti Everything Link
Town Hall 6 Best War Map Link
Clash of Clans Town Hall 6 War Base Link
Deploy meat shield on one side and the defensive buildings will take care of them; deploy meat shield on the other side and the spring traps will make it easier for the defenses! Either way, this amazing war base guarantees the grip of the battle in your hands. CocBases
COC TH6 Base Copy Link Anti 3 Stars
Looking at the second war base, this layout will surely trick your opponent’s troops! This design performs well against the ground troops. The open walls that lead to the cannons are secure with the spring traps. Thinking there are no walls and the particular defense building can be destroyed easily, the opponent will surely deploy troops towards the open walls; making the opponent lose most of his meat shield into the air!
Defends against: Giant-wiz combo, giant-archer combo and other minor/farming attack strategies.
TH6 War Base With 2 Air Defense Copy Link
Anti 3 Stars TH6 war Base Link
Best TH6 War Base Link Copy
Here we are, with another clever base design! Not only the ground units, but this layout design is proved
to be the best defense strategy when it comes to both the ground and air units! With the traps, walls, and defense buildings being placed at the best position it can be at, this defense strategy will never let its master down!
Clash Of Clans TH6 War Base Copy Link Anti Giant Healer
Defends against: Giant-wiz combo, Giant-archer combo, loon attack, giant-healer-wiz attacks, and other minor/farming attack strategies.
TH6 Clan War Base Link
COC TH6 War Layout Link
Clash of Clans TH6 War Base Link
Town Hall 6 Base Copy Link Anti 2 Stars
Last, but not least! This tricky little war layout design is proven to help its master when needed. The design,being built with a few great placing of the spring traps, is a great way of defending! Well, the base can deal the ground attacks, but there is no guarantee when it comes to air attacks.
Defends against: Giant-wiz combo, Giant-archer combo, giant-healer-wiz attacks, and other minor/farming attack strategies.
TH6 War Base With 2 Air Defense
TH6 Clan War Base Link
Clash of Clans TH6 War Base
Clash of Clans TH6 War Base
This war base link is really a unique one. This specially built layout actually does what most other layouts do, but with a different look! If you want to stay different form the other clasher’s, this war layout design is highly recommended. The layout defends well against the ground units (without healer). Well, the design can actually give you a bad day if the opponent has loons in his army!
Level 6 War Base Link
Defends against: Giant-wiz combo, Giant-archer combo, and other minor/farming attack strategies.
Clash of Clans Town Hall 6 War Base With Links
Level 6 Town Hall War Layout Link
Level 6 Battle Layout Anti 3 Stars
Here we are, with another classic war design! As I have already mentioned, villages with a lot of wall intersections are great for wars. Well, this design is one of the kinds. Ground units or air, this map is bound to crush whatever marches inside!
Defends against: Giant-wiz combo, Giant-archer combo, loon attack, giant-healer-wiz attacks, and other minor/farming attack strategies.
Best TH6 War Base With Link
Best TH6 War Base Copy Link
TH6 War Base Link COC
TH6 War Base Link Clash
TH6 CWL War Base
Clash of Clans TH6 War Base Copy
Clash of Clans TH6 War Base Link Design
Clash of Clans TH6 War Base Layout Link
Town Hall 6 War Base Copy Link
Town Hall 6 War Base Best Defense
Town Hall 6 War Base Link
Town Hall 6 War Base
Best TH6 War Base With Link
Best TH6 War Base Copy Link
TH6 War Base Link COC
TH6 War Base Link Clash
TH6 CWL War Base
Clash of Clans TH6 War Base Copy
Clash of Clans TH6 War Base Link Design
Clash of Clans TH6 war Base Layout Link
Town Hall 6 War Base Copy Link
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